FEB. 2024 Reviews | We Watch Movies

Shortest Month so I’ve got shorter reviews this month. Only Two recommendations but they are both very good picks for completely different reasons. 

Rewatch: RE -ANIMATOR (1985)

Re-Animator, Poster, 1985,

Veteran Horror fans already know about the absolutely insane ride that is “Re-animator”.

However, for the uninitiated (like the friends I invited over for movie night) Re-animator is a fucking experience. Not the craziest horror film I've ever seen but manages to strike a perfect balance of a really good mad scientist story and something on par with the fever dream, Slumber party massacre II.

All together the missed matched pieces of a Romance/sci fi/

FRANKENSTEIN-ian story makes for some really good entertainment. Go watch it, and go watch it with friends and beers cause that is the best way to watch this movie.


First Viewing - Midnight Cowboy (1969)

This one is a bit heavier than the last but I think it has a very engaging fish out of water story and some fantastic trials for the charismatic charters to push through. Jon Voight’s portrayal of the clearly repressed bisexual man Joe Buck on a quest to HUSTLE older, rich, New York women who are “willing to pay for it”. His escapades only result in a continuous downfall as the big apple chews him up and spit him into the gutters of a 42nd street oblivion. John Schlesinger and Adam Holender’s cinematography is a trip into Buck’s eyes. We the audience experiencing his senses of wonder when first entering New York, and how it will slowly devolve into an overwhelming pressure from all sides. Through all this it still manages to give an engaging character arc/transformation and an emotionally fulfilling ending. So… Check it out and see you next month!


WikiMedia Charity Shoutout & another reason to dislike Elon Musk


The Trevor Project | Charity Shout Out